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Asia Western Hemisphere British Virgin Islands Turks and Caicos Narragansett Bay Narragansett Bay Coyote Study Pacific
Basic Coyote Facts
  • Scientific name: Canis latrans

  • Family: Canidae (also included: fox, wolves, dogs)

  • Distribution: North and Central America

  • Behavior: Alpha males and alpha females lead packs, reproduce, and protect territories. Territories can encompass many miles, and if the pack is healthy and does not survive on human-subsidized food, the territory will not include areas of human population. Breeding females occupy dens during the end of March and beginning of April to raise their pups. Beta coyotes are adult or juvenile coyotes that live within the pack but do not reproduce. Transient coyotes are not part of a pack and do not hold a territory.

  • Diet: Omnivorous and opportunistic: mice, woodchucks, rabbits, geese, roadkill and carrion, deer, large invertebrates, bread, fruits, vegetables, rubbish and compost, etc.